Jaisal Singh, known by his artist name Laexplorer Kid, is a renowned fashion and travel documentary photographer from India. With nearly five years of experience in photography, he specializes in studio photography, including fashion, tabletop, and commercial shoots. Additionally, he has ventured into travel documentary work as a photojournalist, capturing the essence of various destinations through his lens.
Through these diverse experiences, Jaisal has honed his skills in lighting, composition, and storytelling, mastering the art of capturing both static objects and dynamic scenes. His visually compelling images narrate stories and evoke emotions, showcasing a diverse range of subjects and styles.
Jaisal’s portfolio spans the United Kingdom, various European countries, Bangladesh, and India. His work blends landscapes, culture, and the human element to tell compelling visual stories, capturing the unique beauty of each destination. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for exploring new horizons, Jaisal strives to create photographs that not only document his travels but also inspire and evoke emotion.